eCommerce Marketing Tips: Guarantee a Profitable Holiday Season

November 1, 2017

eCommerce Marketing Tips: Guarantee a Profitable Holiday Season

You may have already noticed holiday decorations on display in stores and despite trying to deny it, the season will be here before we know it. For eCommerce businesses, planning for this busy time of year is crucial.

According to Shopify, "In 2016, Cyber Monday became the biggest U.S. online shopping day ever with close to $2.67 billion U.S. dollars in online spending. In fact, nearly a quarter of U.S. shoppers did half of their holiday shopping online in 2016."In other words, if you want to maximize your profits closing out the calendar year, you better start preparing now. We’ve put together some of our most successful eCommerce customers’ tactics – take a look and adapt them to your business needs this pre-season!

1. Make mobile a priority

Chances are that your customers are shopping using more than just a desktop computer. Knowing this, your site should be mobile-friendly and have responsive design. If you make the mobile shopping experience as seamless as possible, you increase the likelihood that those using cellphones or tablets will convert.

2. Unify the customer experience

Customer Carly first interacts with your product while scrolling through Instagram on her phone during her lunch break. Later that evening, she realizes your product would be great for an upcoming event so she looks up your website from her home computer. Carly places the item in her shopping cart, but gets distracted and goes about her busy week. A unified customer experience will take the next step (sending her an email, perhaps) to make sure Carly comes back when she has a minute to complete her order.3. Know your audience This one may seem obvious, but it is important enough to reinforce – knowing your audience and targeted buyer persona is vital to the success of your business. Use data from sales made throughout the year to narrow down your marketing efforts to a specific subset of the population that you know will be more likely to convert. Furthermore, analyze their behavior to create messaging that is relevant and specific.

4. Create urgency

The holiday season is just around the corner, and time isn’t slowing down. If you’re like most consumers, that makes you a bit nervous. Tap into that same sense of urgency when creating messaging around promotions, email campaigns and website content. By doing so, you’re taking away some of that casual, comfortable feeling that makes eCommerce so successful 365 days a year and decreasing the time it takes to make a conversion.