4 Steps Marketers Should Take to Make Sure Their Websites Are ADA-Compliant

March 12, 2018

4 Steps Marketers Should Take to Make Sure Their Websites Are ADA-Compliant

When it comes to civil rights legislation, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is one of America's most comprehensive pieces. While we all recognize how businesses make accommodations in the physical world (wheelchair ramps, automatic door openers, etc.), it is important to understand that this legislation applies to the virtual world, as well. In order to assure that your website meets accessibility standards and avoids creating negative experiences for people with physical disabilities, marketers must be diligent in pursuing ADA compliance. Fortunately, with the right tools and knowledge, this is pretty simple to do!

1. Work with the right agency

Not all web developers are equal when it comes to having experience working with web accessibility on the platform or framework you currently use. Vetting agencies for this experience is crucial, and often means sticking with the "pros" when it comes to platform specializations.

2. Invest in a code audit

There are plenty of tools out there that can be identify any and all areas of your site that do not meet web accessibility standards for ADA compliance. While the audit cost could potentially be steep depending on your setup and the platform your site uses, the investment is well worth getting a clear idea of what work will be involved so you can budget as appropriate

3. Identify issues and the subsequent resolutions

Once you know what to look for during the project, you can work with your agency to make sure changes are communicated and will be a positive effect on the UX. For example, not having alternative text associated with an image or not using colors with enough contrast for buttons on your website.

4. Don't forget about compliance standards post-launch

As with anything digital, your ADA compliance should be an ever-evolving and frequently-revisited task. Any time there is a change to your website, it is important to be sure that those changes are in line with the standards you've already worked so hard to maintain!

Bridgeline Unbound Content helps business build websites that deliver a completely connected experience to their customers. I'd love to chat if you're interested in learning more!