B2B & B2C Manufacturing eCommerce: Triumph Motorcycles’ Simple Multimarket Solution

January 8, 2018

B2B & B2C Manufacturing eCommerce: Triumph Motorcycles’ Simple Multimarket Solution

Triumph Motorcycles is the largest British motorcycle manufacturer. To reflect emerging trends in the manufacturing industry's eCommerce strategies, support supply chain logistics and accommodate B2B andB2C sales needs they needed to update their website. By utilizing Bridgeline’s eCommerce, content management and marketing automation products, they increase mobile traffic and online revenue, as well as unify their B2B and B2B eCommerce offerings.

Challenge 1. Providing a multimarket eCommerce solution

Triumph needed a site overhaul that integrated supply chain logistics to accommodate both U.S. and Canadian markets.

2. Centralizing content management

Additionally, website content and the B2B and B2C product lines needed to be controlled seamlessly and easily.

3. Balancing B2B and B2C sales

As with most manufacturing eCommerce businesses, the motorcycle manufacturer was looking for a way to enable direct-to-consumer sales while still supporting their dealer network.

Bridgeline’s product suite improves Triumph Motorcycles 'multimarket eCommerce offering, dealership relations, general content management, and marketing automation needs on one, powerful platform.

Solution 1. Multifaceted and Unified eCommerce Solution

The new site, deployed in the U.S. and Canadian markets, unified B2B and B2C product line offerings and content on one site.

2. Direct-to-consumer product line management

Through integrations with UPS logistics, eBay and Amazon marketplace, motorcycles, parts, accessories, clothing and merchandise sales are on one site, with the customer journey and supply chain logistics trackedfrom click to ship.

3. Strengthened dealer relationships

An effective online channel satisfied dealership needs with sales attribution and independent incentives for online orders.