eCommerce Marketing: Tips to Keep Your Small Business Successful

November 22, 2017

eCommerce Marketing: Tips to Keep Your Small Business Successful

As an entrepreneur or small business owner, competing with more established competitors in the bustling eCommerce market can be tough and overwhelming. Luckily, many businesses have been able to learn from their mistakes and utilize relatively easy marketing tactics to reduce the number of mistakes commonly made. Here are five ways to keep your eCommerce business both relevant and thriving.

1. Make sure your website is search engine optimized

When it comes to eCommerce, having a website that generates and maintains high traffic is vital to lead generation, conversions and repeat purchases. The best way to make certain that Internet users are driven to your website is to utilize search engine marketing to the best of your ability. You can do this by making sure your website’s content is ranked among the top search results using keywords people commonly use when searching for the product your business offers. Do this by using keyword finder tools and creating content to go along with it.

2. Utilize social media as a cheap marketing tool

Almost every single social media platform is easy to set up, learn to use, and maintain with little time, effort and resources. Create profiles and accounts on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to both promote your product and engage with customers on a personal and local level.

3. Look for opportunities to create apps

With the prevalence of mobile Internet surfing and a rise in buyers often shopping on tablets and smartphones, investing in the creation of an app can be a great way to connect with customers at all points in their journey to purchasing a product. Apps can also send push notifications (alerts that pop up like text messages or emails on a phone) to notify people about new offers and provide an easy way to advertise promotions.

4. Dedicate time and resources to customer support

Consumers are very wary of purchases made online, and one way support or giving your team access to social media, this can be a great way to be timely in responses and prevent customers from turning to the competition if their questions go unanswered.

5. Learn from the competition

Just like any other business, eCommerce is constantly growing and changing – thus, so must you! The best way to acquire more knowledge about and develop new strategies to is keep a close eye on your competition to see what is working.