Marketing Automation: Why It’s Vital to your Marketing Strategy, SEO and ROI

December 13, 2017

Marketing Automation: Why It’s Vital to your Marketing Strategy, SEO and ROI

Marketing automation is gaining traction as an important trend in both the B2B and B2C markets, and for good reason - it is a great time- and resource-saver in that it takes away the manual nature of marketing tasks and lends to unifying the customer experience through the delivery of highly personalize and relevant content. Below are the four reasons why your business should incorporate marketing automation software into 2018’s strategy.

1. Attract

Using a solid SEO approach and being able to create landing pages related to marketing campaigns can be a great way to capture customer data. This also allows you to test and track results in real time, giving your team the ability to see what is working and what is not.

2. Engage

While content is king in the age of mobile-driven consumerism, it is important that the content your business produces and distributes is of high quality and relevance. Marketing automation allows you to gather user behavior and use this data to segment your audience. Once you understand this audience, you can tailor-make your content and schedule workflows and cadences that meet the consumer at every level of their buying journey.

3. Nurture

Once you attract customers and engage them with content, it’s important to keep your business at the front of their minds with targeted nurture campaigns. One example of this is automated email campaigns that give the customer more information that helps their research.

4. Convert

Now comes the most important step in most marketing and business development strategies – generating conversions. It is vital to the success of your strategies to drive highly engaged website visitors to submit their contact information, in turn growing your CRM database. Using calls to actions (CTAs) to lead visitors to submitting forms is a great way to do this instantaneously – and maybe even consider adding an incentive to submitting the form, such as a whitepaper or eBook download!