eCommerce Marketing: The Magic of Cross-Selling

November 13, 2017

eCommerce Marketing: The Magic of Cross-Selling

As many of us know, Amazon made the “people who bought this also purchased…” functionality popular - proving that once you have visitors on your site, presenting additional holiday deals and special offers can drive further conversions. The easiest way to pursue this tactic is by leveraging Persuasive Content.

What is Persuasive Content? It's a feature found on top-tier Content Management Systems, like Bridgeline Content, that triggers your website to automatically populate content based on the visitor behavior and attributes. Basically, it's smart cross-selling based on several factors (e.g. a visitor's navigation behavior, source traffic, the type of device the visitor is using to access your website, and more). Let's examine three ways to leverage cross-selling opportunities, like Persuasive Content, during Cyber Monday!

1. Properly use your product catalog’s tagging functionality

Persuasive Content doesn't work if your marketing team isn't properly tagging content. Your product catalog is a universe that is somewhat interrelated - identifying what works in tandem may seem tedious, but it's extremely beneficial in the long run. If there are companion up-sell/cross-sell opportunities you need to make them easy to find and understandable as to how and why they’re related.

2. Add a ‘popular items’ module to every product page

This is an obvious statement, but if you have “hot sellers, ”flaunt them. Conversely, if there is an underperforming product you want to move, make it attractive! After all: ‘tis the season to move product; even if it’s not what your shopper is looking for, they may be inspired.

3. Have a landing page for gift ideas

Sometimes, we think of landing pages too one-dimensionally. Many of your shoppers will be hunters, but many more will be gatherers. Make sure you stack the deck in your favor by helping them find great products on your website. Check out this post from Business 2 Community for more great ideas about optimizing you eCommerce page.