Inish Pharmacy Increased Revenue Over 75% with Celebros

Inish Pharmacy delivered on their goal to improve a customers' quality of life with improved Site Search

Inish Pharmacy is an independent pharmacy and healthcare group based in Donegal, Ireland. Since they began in 2007, their vision has improved patients' and customers' quality of life. Initially, their website used the native search platform Solr to answer customer queries for their online shop and eCommerce needs on the Magico system.

However, as the online business grew since its initial launch, it quickly outgrew the native search platform's capabilities as it could not accurately and effectively define results for its customers. Multiple names for product types, brands, and vague or inaccurate results showed up for customers and led to a frustrating user experience.

   Erica H., web content manager

The Challenge

Their team quickly recognized the need to improve the customer's online experience as their brand grew. With this challenge in mind, they outlined a list of website features that could improve their customer experience.

The Goals

  • Make it easier for customers to find what they need and efficiently complete purchases while using any device.
  • Ensure that their onsite search tools are powerful and intelligent enough to deliver accurate and relevant results for each search query
  • Support mobile shoppers to quickly complete purchases

With these goals in mind, their team initiated the Inish Pharmacy website's upgrade with Celebros technology to tackle their three goals. Our team at Celebros supplied them with the tools they need to convert more visitors into actual buyers and nurture more mobile visitors.

How it worked

Transactions Increased
Transactions Increased
Conversion Rate Increased

Like many pharmacy businesses we've helped, Inish Pharmacy recognizes that search queries can be an incredibly stressful and overwhelming process for their customers. With Celebros, medications with complicated names or multiple brand names are easily sorted and auto-suggested, streamlining the process and providing help quickly when customers need it most. Within the first months of their transition to Celebros, this strategy resulted in increased site search conversion rates, transactions, and revenue increasing by over 75%. Also, the percentage of mobile users has risen as well.

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